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有 you ever stumbled upon bad stats that seemed to come from another 维? Unearthed strange correlations that left you scratching your head? Encountered data so maliciously manipulated, it could give you 噩梦? If so, it's time to unleash your Data Horror Stories upon 世界!

有 you heard the one about the air traffic contol mix up that caused huge delays and cost millions of pounds? 或者是什么? the Google Maps mishap that caused the wrong house to be demolished? Or the utterly bizarre incident where a woman was mistaken for a car (!) and issued a parking fine? 

Horror stories aren't just told around campfires anymore – they're lurking in the spreadsheets and databases of the digital realm.

As Halloween draws near, we're once again conjuring an event where the brave and curious gather to share their harrowing experiences, spine-chilling tales, and the invaluable lessons learned while grappling with data that seems to have a mind of its own.

·    有 a story that you want get off your chest? Send an email to sam[at] to claim a speaking slot.

·    Too shy to step into the spotlight? Send us your hair-raising story anonymously, and who knows? It might just make an eerie appearance on stage during the event.

·    But wait, there's more! 在闹鬼 night itself, we've reserved some quick-fire slots for those brave souls who dare to share on the spot. Just give us a ghostly nod when you arrive, and we'll make sure your tale gets its time in the spotlight.

So join us for a night of ghoulish giggles, petrifying plots, and perhaps a few valuable lessons – all wrapped up in the enchanting world of data 失败. 到时见... 如果你敢! 



6.00 Doors, refreshments, etc.

6.30 Event starts.


Code of conduct

Everyone is welcome at Open Data Manchester events. Please take a minute to read our code of conduct.


We will provide refreshments 


Heron House is on Lloyd Street opposite Manchester Town Hall.


在那里 is one step from the pavement to the entrance to the building. 门 staff will be able to bring out a ramp for you if required. 其余的 the building is an accessible venue with a lift to all floors.


If for any reason you need to contact us on the day of the event, you can call us on 07598 429 493.

Any other questions?

Drop me an email on sam[at]opendatamanchester[.)组织(.]uk

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31 October 2023 18:30
KrakenFlex (Octopus Energy Group) Cirlce Square 13 Floor, No 2, 1 Symphony Park Manchester M1 7FS

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